- number: Black Mass XXXV
- date: 2015.10.17
- location: Bloomington, Indiana
- venue: the Artifex Guild
- time: 9PM
- cost: $5
- type: Concert
- year: 2015
Diaphragmatic [Dayton, OH]
Solo harsh noise utilizing junk metal and reel to reel tape loops, performed by a mask-wielding knight of darkness.
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/diaphragmatic
Lather. [Bloomington, IN]
Solo purveyor of sonic odds and ends with a constantly unpredictable barrage of sound sources and interactions.
bandcamp: https://lather.bandcamp.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lather-130618406950834/
Dante Augustus Scarlatti [Bloomington, IN]
Solo experimental composer of avant-garde soundscapes and symphonic harsh noise.
website: http://www.DASdrones.org
bandcamp: http://www.DanteAugustusScarlatti.bandcamp.com
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DanteAugustusScarlatti
Something Hurt [Bloomington, IN]
Solo improvisations & experimentations of a subdued and subtle nature.
bandcamp: http://somethinghurt.bandcamp.com/