Since the very first iterations of our website, we have sought to highlight the works of our friends and accomplices, even when we were not the ones to release them. Our Distro serves as a way to spread the good word on artists we respect immensely, featuring albums that we wish we would have released, as well as special offers for domestic customers from hand-selected albums released internationally. We do not distro just anything...everything that is for sale should be considered an esteemed recommendation.
We couldn't be happier to present 2 new inclusions, one an imported international LP from our friend SEMILANCEATA, the other a pro-dubbed cassette from the mysterious & evolutionary black metal outfit BOOK OF SAND. Both titles can be picked up in the Pharmacy or by using the purchase buttons located below.
Book of Sand - The Face of the Deep [cassette]
Semilanceata - Amsvartne [12" LP]