As the dumpster fire of 2017 finally comes to a smoldering end, we wanted to take a look back at the period we lovingly-dubbed: "the Anti Year."

We received press from Bandcamp, Vice's Noisey, and for some reason, Perrier Mineral Water.
We released cassettes suspended in water, cut in half, covered in foil, and without teeth.
We cut records into steel sawblades, laserdiscs, x-rays, and polycarbonate.
We released music recorded in foreign countries, and a film recorded 18 years ago.
We released a fucking hot sauce?!?
We introduced a new band as well as reissued bands long dead.
We worked with one of the most compelling up-and-coming artists in underground art.
We celebrated the end of our 4 year long experiment in physical spaces.
Thank you for making this one of our best years yet.
Auris Apothecary