After nearly 4 years, we are pleased to finally update our website with an improved infrastructure, enhanced organization of content, and brand new storefront with upgrades all around. While we have prided ourselves on having the most minimal interfacing possible for streamlined absorption of our creations, this new website will serve as a building block to an entirely new digital Auris Apothecary empire, with numerous interactive elements coming in the near future as well as an increased stream of content being delivered in more frequent bursts.
If this looks simple, it's because it is. After years and quite literally dozens of redesigns and subsequent starting points, we have settled on a completely utilitarian design by stripping away all unnecessary elements.
Please let us know what you think (on that nifty new comments section) and please alert us to any issues you find by EMAIL.
A few highlights:
- In addition to individual product pages, each product now displays a current, up-to-the-minute count of our stock levels on each item, guaranteeing that we'll never oversell items that have limited copies as well as allowing us to now list items that we only have a single digit to without having to personally send invoices.
- The prices displayed are now universal and apply to every country and continent on Earth. There is a new shipping calculator on the Cart page which provides an EXACT quote for your order based on your country, and all order shipping is based on weight.
- All domestic orders in the USA come with tracking numbers through Paypal/USPS and the price maxes out at $10, regardless of how many items you order.
- Coupon Codes! Expect these soon.
As our release count grew, the need for a more organized and intuitive method of discovery became necessary. Thus, we have created numerous systems for categorization of releases, described below.
- Format : descriptions and background info for each medium on their own respective pages
- Availability : Coming Soon, Available, and Sold Out
- Release Year : Self explanatory
- Accessibility : A new internal cataloging system based on our perception of the material's general accessibility in relation to our entire catalog. Levels are based on the average number of listeners who might enjoy it, starting at 0 and working it's way up to a perfect 10.
Black Mass
- Individual pages for each event as well as event type and year filtering system
- Individual pages for each artist, including a link to website + location + a list of their releases on Auris
While there is technically much more to explain, we'll be doing so in more detail in future posts.
Until then, godspeed and good hunting!
- AA