After a sleepy season spent working on countless projects, we're pleased to return at the end of Summer with another entry into the "Anti Year" catalog.
AAX-109 : Unholy Triforce - Cru|cifict|ion
6" anti-record | Limited Edition of 61
Serving as the Volume II to their similarly-named anti-cassette "Crucifiction," Unholy Triforce return with a new anti-release of punctured pestilence. Quite literally a clear, square, polycarbonate lathe cut with tacks pierced through it, the audio contained within the grooves is equally as unforgiving in concept. Keeping the ultra-short nature of the original, "Cru|cifict|ion" clocks in around a minute and a half of churning rhythms and thundering walls of harsh noise. As a special element, each copy has been cut with locked grooves at random intervals in the end to yield infinite playback lengths of loops unique to each record.
Each anti-record comes pre-crucified with 9 entry wounds, perfectly placed to interrupt and/or prevent playback by means of obstructing the cartridge's path. They are housed inside transparent PCV boxes screen-printed with black enamel scratch-proof ink, and have been individually hand-stamped with serial numbers in black ink. As bizarre as it is ill-intentioned, "Cru|cifict|ion" is another chapter in the volume of creative destruction that Unholy Triforce have been writing, and it further proves that there is still sting left in their touch.
AAX-M23 : Metallic Digiglitch Tote Bag
Tote Bag | Limited Edition of 20
While cleaning shelves and taking inventory of leftover stock at In Case of Emergency Press, we happened upon a small stack of black cotton tote bags that were hidden beneath piles of other, less attractive colors. These totes were a fateful find, as we also had a gallon of ultra-deluxe metallic chrome ink we had been itching to use on something. The result is a shimmering, iridescent print of our pixelated Digiglitch logo on a lightweight tote bag that’s perfect for carrying books, vinyl records, groceries, manifestos, pets, propaganda posters, saw-blades, sheets of glass, Satanic tracts, and other common items.