Worms Beneath Thy Cold Flesh

Released August 15, 2010



A proclamation of finality, Worms Beneath Thy Cold Flesh represents a devastating approach to droning power-electronics, complete with over-saturated tape destruction and a rumbling that never ceases. Sealed in a tin filled with soil and animal bones, the prevalence of the message becomes strikingly clear: we all end up as nutrition for worms. One of Auris Apothecary's filthiest releases to date, the tape is completed by a playback-prevention tab in the form of a bone glued to the cassette surface...deprivation at it's finest.

Notice: A specialized dubbing method has been employed to ensure destructive audio:

"This tape has been specially designed to play back in a dual-stereo 4 channel configuration. Side A contains the track forwards, while Side B is the same recording backwards. The tracks have been synchronized to play back as a single recording when used with a 4-channel tape head that reads audio linearly, such as found in a typical 4-track cassette recorder."


Clear-top aluminum tin with soil and fragments of animal bones, with artwork inkjet-printed onto transparency paper and attached with glue dots. Transparent prison-shell cassette with artist name on clear label on spine and bone playback-tab glued to face inside flame-sealed plastic bags. Insert printed on vellum paper and serial number stamped with black ink. Black wax seal.


A1 - 11:00 - Side One [forward]
B1 - 11:00 - Side Two [reverse]
