Unholy Triforce
Released March 31, 2011
- format: 3½" Floppy Disk | 3½" Floppy Disk
- edition size: 15½
- duration: 00:15:31
- accessibility: Level 0
∞ Infinity represents many things in many ways. It is a concept easily misunderstood yet conceivable through simple demonstration. Understanding a musical sound or visual object alone is not powerful enough evidence to convey that significance, UNHOLY TRIFORCE have elaborately constructed a 5-step program in obsolete coding that demonstrates the concept perfectly.
Contained within the packaging which is constructed of broken floppy disk remnants carefully put into use, is a disk which holds two files. A heavily compressed mp3 with a bitrate of 8kbps serves as the physical/literal soundtrack to the .EXE executable file which is encrypted for the sole user's protection. Upon entry of the correct password, all will be revealed.
Reel boxes spray-painted black, with magnetic disk portion of floppy adhered to back. Black laser-jet printing on white paper cover art, aligned with cover art on translucent wrap. Wrap is sealed with half-portion of floppy housing with paper ring attached, containing serial number in white ink. Inside inserts printed on translucent material, with floppy shutter as a disk holder. Disk labels laser-printed onto white floppy labels.