As a kick-off to an action-packed 2016 release schedule still to come, we're pleased to announce a batch of absolutely miniature proportions. Featuring only 2 releases, each of the electronic variety, they are also utilizing formats of a microscopic nature.
AAX-136 : Goodhands Team - Micro Worlds
one-sided microcassette MC90
AAX-130 : HOU - Trichronum
3x 3" CDr set
Also, due to some requests, we've added leftover copies of past Black Mass posters to the Pharmacy. Each of these are screen-printed by hand onto deluxe French Paper stock at In Case of Emergency Press. And at only $5 a piece, they're a killer deal for some high-quality limited edition artwork.
Finally: our Summer of Black Metal batch is coming soon, with pre-orders starting on September 9th. This is a truly international affair, including the new full-length from Greece-based A Diadem of Dead Stars, as well as Colorado solo black metaller Evergreen Refuge and the debut from brand new Bloomington, Indiana band Gnaw Bone. More on those soon...